Now that it's the subject of a federal investigation and a lawsuit from five former students over its refusal to stand up against anti-gay bullying and its policy that forces teachers to remain neutral on the subject of homosexuality, Minnesota's Anoka-Hennepin School District has suddenly put up an LGBT page on its website.
There have been seven student suicides in the school district in less than two years.
According to a statement from the school district's communications specialist, the website will help answer questions about actions taken by the district in areas of training and support and will also provide a link to policies regarding Harassment, Violence and Discrimination; Bullying Prohibition; and Sexual Orientation Curriculum…
…Superintendent Dennis Carlson said in a statement that when it comes to GLBT issues, the community is split and opinions vary widely. The school board feels the policy is appropriate for the community and is not changing it at this time. The statement added that the policy is constitutional and that “the Supreme Court has recognized that public school officials have a valid interest in taking neutral positions on matters of public controversy.”
But the Anoka Hennepin Gay Equity Team argues that the policy has contributed to an unsafe learning environment for students and staff in Anoka-Hennepin schools.
In related news, Anoka-Hennepin school district is in Michele Bachmann's congressional district, yet she has refused to address the issue, along with her refusal to discuss her husband's clinic and its practice of "reparative therapy" for homosexuality.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told The Advocate that it's time for Bachmann to offer some answers:
Pelosi told The Advocate of Bachmann's silence on the issue, “I would think that if she wanted to be the President of the United States, she would understand that this is a larger issue than whether someone is gay or not, but as to whether someone is harassed and bullied to the point of seeing no way out.”
“Obviously it's an issue bigger than Michele Bachmann's district, so maybe we should all be speaking out about it, and not just leaving it to her,” Pelosi added.