Man charged for faking anti-gay attack in Iowa City.
New theory: Seas of molten lava spanning 100,000 sq. miles killed off the dinosaurs.
Gay and lesbian coalition of Kenya launches campaign to aid African famine situation.
Trillion dollar coins solution to debt ceiling impasse?
Morrissey won't be happy with Lady Gaga.
Amy Winehouse's father gives away her possessions: "Mitch showed up at Amy‘s house and started handing out articles of her clothing to some of the fans that were convened in front of her home."
The latest in British eye candy.
Steelers linebacker James Harrison, who called NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell a "faggot" last month, says he could have used "a better vocabulary".
Sally Kern lashes out at gays: "We're losing our freedom of conscience. And if the homosexuals get what they want, and as you said it's not just homosexuality, its immorality or adultery, all of that, but in my opinion the homosexual movement is the tip of the spear. They're the ones who right now are beating down the door, have their foot in the door, trying to tear down the moral fiber of America. We have to stand up to that. The reason it's the tip of the spear you don't see ‘Adulterers Victory Fund' out there trying to promote adultery. God's people got to stand up to this."
Matt Bomer teases his six-pack.
Gay teen socialite Kevin Michael Barba seeks PR firm: "With millions of dollars at his disposal, this 18 year old personality is ready to move to the forefront of society and let his personality, style, and panache grab headlines."
Montrose Remembrance Garden opens to remember victims of anti-gay violence in Houston LGBT community.
Michele Bachmann headlining anti-gay group Florida Family Policy Council dinner in November.
The Lane Twins: From Hollywood to Dollywood.
Beefcake jockeys.
Labor Secretary Hilda Solis: "For the first time, in order to better understand the benefits available to an increasingly diverse American workforce, this year's National Compensation Survey from the Bureau of Labor Statistics includes information on domestic partner benefits, providing a better, fuller picture of employee benefits in workplaces across our nation."
Wisconsin photographer Paul Baker Prindle puts focus on sites where anti-LGBT violence has occurred. "Each site I visited was an unsettling disappointment, bearing few if any clues to the value of the life that ended there…"
Bloomberg's new Hamptons home, by helicopter.
Memphis Grizzlies petitioned to make "It Gets Better" video.
Alan Ball inks new True Blood deal, talks about Season 5: “I don't have any desire to leave because I'm having more fun than I ever had in my life.”
Ryan Murphy talks about the Glee spin-offs and the cast firing misstep.
Christian group strikes back at Apple for pulling iTunes from Christian Values Network: "If Apple is ready to pull out of something because they got 22,000 signatures… there won't be a church, faith-based person, Catholic, Protestant, evangelical, charismatic anything in the country that won't know…The entire Catholic and Evangelical communities in America will be made aware if Apple doesn't want to do business with Christian people. We can help them get that message out."