New York's Health Department has issued new marriage licenses, adding the word "spouse" to language already on the documents, in preparation for enactment of marriage equality laws on July 24.
The Health Department offered new details today about the marriage license process, explaining the 24-hour waiting period to receive a license in New York. If a couple gets a license on July 24, they'd have to wait 24 hours to be officially married.
However, the agency notes that the waiting period may be waived by an order of a Supreme or County Court judge.
But there is no waiting period for a "second or subsequent ceremony" if a couple is already married and wants to renew their vows. The state says the waiting period is lifted for "valid marriages between same-sex couples that have already occurred in other jurisdictions."
The AP notes that it is expected gay and lesbian couples in different areas of the state will beginning marrying at the stroke of midnight.