Emory University is starting a new LGBT social networking site for the Atlanta-based school's students, alumnae and professors.
Adam Levine discusses having gay brother, among other things, with Out magazine: “I can single-handedly dispel any ideas that sexuality is acquired. Trust me, you're born with it. My brother is gay, and we knew when he was two. We all really wanted to provide some cushion for him and constantly let him know that it's OK.”
Prominent Chicago-based LGBT activist Christina Santiago was one of the five people killed in this weekend's stage collapse at the Indiana State Fair.
Actress Amanda Amber Heard insists to Playboy magazine that she never "came out" because she was never in the closet. She's also found the media obsession over her same-sex love, however, to be "disconcerting:" "The only frustrating part has been all the media attention. For someone like me who prefers to keep her life as private as possible, it has been disconcerting to have to define so much about myself." (Note: Link is not to Playboy, but to On Top Magazine.)
Interesting: "A North Carolina state university has put out a list of approved 'gay-friendly' churches for faculty and students raising concerns by at least one professor that taxpayers are inadvertently involved in 'telling people where to go to church.'"
Musician Mista Mahaj P breaks ground with the release of a pro-gay reggae album, Tolerance.
Are Britney Spears and Lady Gaga preparing a duet?
Glee cast does Vogue.
Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry describes Obama presidency as a "big black cloud" hanging over United States. He also remarked, "I think you want a president who is passionate about America — that's in love with America." Because Obama hates America, right?
Journalist Brian Montopoli on the cost of the Iowa Straw Poll: "Bachmann, Pawlenty and Ron Paul each spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy a few thousand votes. (Bachmann even brought in Randy Travis.) Their campaigns knew that the political media, desperate for a hook on which to hang a new narrative, would inflate the results—even as they dismissed them privately. Unfortunately for Pawlenty, that cuts both ways: The day after he came in third place—he got 2,293 votes, while Bachmann got all of 4,823—he dropped out of the race."
Sex and The City back to TV?
Sweet: gay couple Jacques Beaumont and Richard Townsend wed after 40 years together.
Author Amy Contrada releasing new book called Mitt Romney's Deception – His Stealth Promotion of ‘Gay Rights' and ‘Gay Marriage' in Massachusetts, in which she alleges the presidential candidate spouts anti-gay rhetoric but covertly worked to further gay rights. Not sure I'm buying it.
Google is going after Motorola's handset business. Price tag? $12.5 billion.
Reverend Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, explained to me how religion and anti-gay politics are intrinsically linked: "Very few people are against [abortion and gay marriage] without religious motivation. You couldn't have those movements without a religious argument."
Vintage video of former NYC mayor Ed Koch discussing the recently-discovered HIV/AIDS.