American Family Association mouthpiece Bryan Fischer got really excited today that Keith Ablow's hateful article about Chaz Bono "that could have been written by someone at the AFA" made its way on to FOX News (read it here).
Says Fischer on his radio show:
Chaz Bono is not a "he," Chaz Bono is a "she." She is a "she" in every single cell of her body, and will be until the day she dies. Her DNA from the moment of conception was indisputably female, and it will always be female.
No amount of surgical mutilation and hormone injections can change that. God designed her to be a female and a female she will be for the rest of her life.
Later he adds:
The pro-family movement is relentlessly demonized by those who want to normalize sexual aberrations. We are accused without ceasing of being hateful, homophobic bigots. Our organizations are tagged as hate groups. If anybody has been demonized, marginalized, and turned into social pariahs, it is the pro-family movement.
Meanwhile, Chas Bono is hardly a pariah by anyone's definition. She is the talk of Hollywood, and when the dancing starts will literally be the belle of the ball.
If the left's template is correct — that turning folks into social pariahs makes them kill themselves — then we should be awash in suicides here at the American Family Association. Our staff should be suffering from an epidemic of self-murder. But here we are, enjoying our lives, our families, our friends and our churches while nary a thought of suicide crosses our minds.
(thanks to Dave Evans for the clip)