Maryland politician derails marriage equality, then embezzles state funds for her own wedding.
Article claims Lady Gaga is handling teen suicides in the wrong way. (I'm not convinced, but h/t to commenter Ian F for pointing out the story.)
UPDATE ON DAKOTA ARY: Commenter Ambrose says he spoke to the teacher accused of censoring a Texas student for an anti-gay remark: "Met with the teacher Friday night. His story, which he is not yet allowed to share with the media, is quite different, and lays a solid basis for believing that Ary's comments were directed ad hominem, and a continuation of a history of harassing comments made toward this teacher on the basis of Ary and 3 other students' perception that the teacher is gay." See the full comment here, below my post on the subject.
MUST-WATCH: GOP debate on SNL. (Michele explains how she met Marcus.)
Kelly Clarkson: "I'm not gay!"
Pan Am premiere aims to "lift American spirits."
Activist lures evangelical Christians to gay bars – for enlightened conversation.
Rick Perry backer in NH: gay adoption is human trafficking.
Pope: "Unify against gay marriage."
NARTH's annual convention is coming up. Time to book a luggage-handler.
White supremacist's anti-immigration group got a question through at the GOP debate.
Saudi women get right to vote. Not that anyone's vote matters much there.
OH churches debate homosexuality with billboards.
Adam Lambert and mom to be honored by PFLAG.
VIDEO: Cops attack "Occupy Wall Street" protestors – for no apparent reason.
Controversy grows over gay outing in Italy.
Is Google going Republican?
Canadian parliament does not like cleavage.
Men hold nude rally in the Castro, protest Commissioner Wiener's plan to require being clothed while seated. See the slideshow. (Warning: contains nudity, obviously.)