One day after Maggie Gallagher was replaced as Chair of NOM, the organization has announced a new project she's involved with — the Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance (MarriageADA).
Because "traditional marriage" supporters are the real victims, right?
Gallagher is listed among the primary staff, along with Damian Goddard, the American Independent reports:
MarriageADA is described as a ”supportive community for those who have been threatened for standing for marriage, to nip the climate of fear being created in the bud, to expose for fair-minded Americans on both sides of the debate the threats being made, to conduct high-quality qualitative and quantitative research documenting the extent of the harm, to develop legislative and community proposal to protect Americans right to engage in the core civil rights: to organize, to vote, to speak, to donate, and to write for marriage.”
It is a (tax-deductible) nonprofit financed by the NOM's 501(c)3 arm, the NOM Institute.
Here's the group's website. Their first project?
MarriageADA is is representing author Frank Turek, who has written three books about religion, public policy and same-sex marriage. The latter — “Correct, Not Politically Correct: How Same-Sex Marriage Hurts Everyone” – is the subject of a consumer complaint MarriageADA has filed against Bank of America in North Carolina. In a video, Turek claims he lost his leadership-training contract with Cisco and Bank of America because of the book.
Watch Turek's video, AFTER THE JUMP…