Dozens of comments have been left on the Facebook page of Traverse City, Michigan's Cherry Knoll Elementary School protesting a music teacher's removal of the word "gay" from Christmas carol classic "Deck the Halls".
It's not even clear how word got out that this was happening, but folks are understandably pissed.
A Slog tipster writes: "Cherry Knoll Elementary School, of which I am an alumna, is removing the word 'gay' from Deck The Halls at the children's Christmas concert. Please bring some attention to this issue! As far as I can find there has been no local press coverage, but you can see outrage from some community members at the school's Facebook page."
UPDATE: The word "gay" has been put back in to the carol.
Watch a report on the incident from UpNorth Live and an interview with Principal Chris Parker (pictured), AFTER THE JUMP…