A new poll taken of Tryo, Michigan residents shows that 37% of residents want her gone:
Some 300 registered voters in the city were called this week by the Glengariff Group's public polling program. When asked about Daniels' June 25 Facebook post that read "I think I am going to throw away my I Love New York carrying bag now that queers can get married there," some 95 percent said they had heard about it.
Among other findings in the survey, which wasn't commissioned by a group and had a 5.6 percentage margin of error:
41.4 percent of residents said they viewed Daniels unfavorably.
44.7 percent said they would vote to recall the mayor if an election were held.
28.4 percent disapproved of her job performance.
Daniels, elected in November, has faced a flurry of criticism nationwide since her post went viral this month.
She has also, hopefully, gained a new perspective on gay families.