Rev. O'Neal Dozier is a nut. I've spoken with him on two occasions, most recently when he whipped into a frenzy the most acidic elements of South Floridian fundamentalism to support a teacher who was in trouble for dousing an atheist colleague with holy water. A few years prior, Dozier had attained a minor kind of celebrity for leading a mean-spirited campaign against the building of a mosque in Pompano, FL. He's taken public stands against pluralism of all kinds — including the kind written into the nation's Constitution, freedom of religion — and likes to claim that gay people "make God want to vomit." In person, he comes across somehow as both a smooth operator and as a rigid ego clinging desperately to an overheated id right at the trembling edge of total psychosexual meltdown.
And so it only makes sense that he's now Rick Santorum's biggest booster in the southerly reaches of the Sunshine State as well the honorary chair of Santorum's Florida campaign, and that Dozier's church, Worldwide Christian Center, was the site of Santorum's first campaign stop there this morning. Read all about it at Mother Jones.