After 12 hours of deliberation, the jury in the Dharun Ravi case today returned a verdict, and Ravi has been found guilty on a number of major counts including bias intimidation and invasion of privacy that could land him in prison for 10 years.
Watch a video of the verdict, AFTER THE JUMP…
The jury found that Ravi was motivated by anti-gay bias when he used a webcam to spy on his Rutgers roommate Tyler Clementi's intimate encounter with another man in their dorm room, and broadcast it to other students. Clementi committed suicide by jumping off the George Washington bridge a short time thereafter.
The Star-Ledger has a DETAILED LIST of all the counts and the verdicts on each.
Ravi, 20, of Plainsboro, was convicted of the most serious counts of bias intimidation, which means he faces certain jail time – between five and 10 years – when sentenced by Superior Court Glenn Berman. As a native of India, he also could be deported…Of the 35 separate charges on 15 counts, 24 came in guilty, with 11 not guilty. Most of the not guilty verdicts applied to Clementi’s companion, identified only as M.B.
It was the first time in the state that bias intimidation charges linked to invasion of privacy were brought against a defendant and could have a future impact on the way young adults interact online and how schools police internet use, legal experts have said.
They add:
The panel of seven women and five men were convinced by First Assistant Middlesex County Prosecutor Julia McClure’s assertion that Ravi invaded the privacy of Clementi and his male companion, identified only as M.B., with the intent to intimidate Clementi because he was gay.
In doing so, they rejected Attorney Steven Altman’s defense that Ravi was acting like a typical 18-year-old “kid” and didn’t know how to deal with seeing two men kissing. Ravi had also told investigators that he used the webcam because he was worried that an older, shabby looking M.B. would steal his iPad.
Ravi's sentencing is May 21.
Watch a video of the verdict, AFTER THE JUMP…