White House LGBT Pride Celebration set for June 15.
Vatican newspaper editor accused of smearing rival writer with rumors of gay affair: "The alleged plot has been revealed in a controversial new book that portrays the Vatican as a hotbed of jealousy, intrigue and underhanded factional fighting."
A zebra of a different color.
But wait: Brad Pitt says he and Angelina "still hoping for marriage equality in the States before we [get married.]"
San Francisco Board of Supervisors backs the naming of a Navy ship after Harvey Milk: "The non-binding resolution, approved 9-2, urges the Secretary of the Navy to christen a ship the U.S.S. Harvey Milk. It supports the request of San Diego Congressman Bob Filner, the ranking Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee."
Japanese designer invents wooden light bulb.
Romney deceptively edits Obama's words in a new attack video about Bain Capital.
Skin from heart attack patients transformed into beating heart cells: "The procedure may eventually help scores of people who survive heart attacks but are severely debilitated by damage to the organ. By creating new heart cells from a patient's own tissues, doctors avoid the risk of the cells being rejected by the immune system once they are transplanted."
Barney Frank, Jared Polis fundraise in DC for Corey Johnson City Council race.
Heart of Mine: Bee Gee Barry Gibb honors his brother Robin in new video.
As graduation approaches, Southern Poverty Law Center salutes some of the LGBT students this year who stood up for their rights.
Cat doesn't want to go to the vet, and says so in no uncertain terms.
Zac Efron and his peach fuzz mustache head to Cannes.
Gay penguins in Madrid given egg to care for: "We wanted them to have something to stay together for – so we got an egg. Otherwise they might have become depressed."
Gallup: "Pro-choice" Americans at record low.
Kentucky pastor told congregation to vote out Obama: "Pastor Ronnie Spriggs of Hager Hill Freewill Baptist Church said during a May 13 sermon that he wants Obama voted out of office because of the president's support of gay marriage. Spriggs said 'this country can't afford that kind of ideology.' Americans United for Separation of Church and State says Spriggs' comments violate a federal law that says tax-exempt churches should not oppose a candidate."
"Dark Side": Kelly Clarkson reveals single cover, performs on DWTS finale.
LIFE 1971: Early days in the gay rights movement.
St, Petersburg police say they'll investigate 'gay propaganda' in recent parade during which gays were targeted by rubber bullets.
Former Green Bay Packer Ahman Green talks about his gay brother and lesbian sister: "Green said he had found acceptance of gay people long ago. Born in Nebraska, he was raised in Los Angeles. He'd met many gay people in his youth, and that helped shape his perspective of other gay people."
Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall's daughter Georgia May Jagger to front Madonna and Lourdes' Material Girl clothing line.
Fukushima Reactor 4 poses massive global risk: "Reactor 4 — and to a lesser extent Reactor 3 — still hold large quantities of cooling waters surrounding spent nuclear fuel, all bound by a fragile concrete pool located 30 metres above the ground, and exposed to the elements. A magnitude 7 or 7.5 earthquake would likely fracture that pool, and disaster would ensue, says Arnie Gundersen, a nuclear engineer with Fairewinds Energy Education who has visited the site. The 1,535 spent fuel rods would become exposed to the air and would likely catch fire, with the most-recently added fuel rods igniting first. The incredible heat generated from that blaze, Gundersen said, could then ignite the older fuel in the cooling pool, causing a massive oxygen-eating radiological fire that could not be extinguished with water."