Adam Lambert gives an interview to Billboard, telling them that when he was starting out in his career he didn't really understand how to fill the part in gay culture that people were asking him to play, but now he's beginning to understand:
"At the beginning I was a little bit like, 'I don't know what to say, I don't know how to be that role model,' even though all of a sudden people are telling me I am. One of the things I find very gratifying now is that I have grown a lot more comfortable with my position and I'm embracing the opportunity to be able to address this stuff through music…"In so many cases, I find myself saying, I wanna be the really nice down-to-earth guy who happens to be gay in order to set an example that it's not threatening. Then there's another part of me that's like, no I wanna be fierce and … do whatever I want because I'm a rebel. I have that battle inside of me. I know a lot of people do."