Failed Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum today launched a new organization called "Patriot Voices" dedicated to the defeat of Barack Obama.
Among the claptrap on its homepage:
We want to expand opportunities for all Americans by advocating policies that encourage traditional marriage, support children and free enterprise. Healthy families help produce a healthy economy.
Santorum is also going on the speaking circuit, Buzzfeed reports:
Rick Santorum is joining the ranks of politicians turning public speaking into a lucrative day job, offering his services through the Harry Walker Agency at — a source told BuzzFeed — between $40,000 and $50,000 a speech…
…His topics include national security, the economy, and the social issues he's long been identified with. "He will chronicle his battles for the dignity of all human life, his effort to protect traditional marriage, and his struggle to reverse Hollywood's and the main stream media's onslaught against virtue," the agency promises.