Chick-fil-a may have been busted doing damage control for the lie they made up regarding the recall of kids toys from the Jim Henson Company. A redhead named Abby Farle is seen defending the company to critical commenters. Only problem is, her profile picture is a stock image and she just joined Facebook four hours prior to leaving the defensive comments.
Writes Gizmodo of the discovery: "It's a dirty, awful trick that is completely embarrassing and just shows how sleazy a company backed up against a wall can be. Especially a company that doesn't believe in treating all humans equally. Of course, there's a chance that this could all be a stunt to shame Chick-fil-A but that company hardly needs more shaming. Chick-fil-A is being rightfully pummeled to the ground by anyone who believes in equality, its delicious chicken sandwiches be damned."