Priorities USA Super PAC is out with a new '47 Percent' ad which is set to roll out in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Ohio, Virginia and Wisconsin. The ad compares Romney's lavish lifestyle with that of a modest middle-class family.
Meanwhile, the RNC is trying to make an anti-Obama meme about redistribution of wealth happen, with Drudge pushing a 1998 interview in which Obama mentions it. The RNC has pushed out a new ad based on it.
Jed Lewison at DailyKos writes:
…what Obama said (again, 14 years ago) is something that almost all Americans agree with. It's the reason we have public schools and Medicaid. In fact, when Romney went on Fox yesterday to hype this audio clip, he said virtually the same thing:
I believe the right course for America is one where government steps in to help those that are in need. […] And the right course to help them is not just to have government handing out but instead government helping people to get back to good jobs.
Watch both, AFTER THE JUMP…
In related news, wealthy GOP donor Marc Leder, at whose home the '47 percent' remarks were filmed, has apologized to Romney:
According to the report, Leder believes the leak came from someone who was hired to work at the fundraiser. Guests were reminded that Romney's comments were off the record and asked not to repeat them to the press.