A gorgeous, emotional short film shot by UK director Mike Buonaiuto, the award-winning director of the ‘Homecoming' marriage equality video commissioned by the Coalition for Equal Marriage, looks at the inequality of gay families as part of a new campaign called 'Invisible Parents' from the activist group AllOut.
The film shows a daughter sharing memories with her two dads, and asks, "Why isn't their family legally recognised in the majority of Europe?"
Said Andre Banks, Executive Director of All Out: "EU member states pride themselves on integration, but their governments still fail to resolve the legal hurdles keeping same-sex families from full recognition across borders."
Said MEP Michael Cashman, who is supporting the campaign: “Gay and lesbian parents can often find themselves legally invisible in a large percentage of the continent, putting their entire family in a very vulnerable situation especially with regard to healthcare, holidays or family legal systems. The Invisible Parents film argues that all children should be treated with legal equality regardless of the sexual orientation of their parents. It is a brilliant way to allow people to connect with these very real issues and then do something about it."
If you missed Buonaiuto's "Homecoming" film (screencap below), you can watch it HERE.
Watch 'Invisible Parents', AFTER THE JUMP…