State Sen. Daniel L. Squadron provides the details on how New York City will be helping those in the black out area get the essentials:
It's going to be days and weeks until things are back to normal in parts of our city. In the meantime, it's important to stay safe and make sure you're prepared for the possibility of extended power outages, vastly reduced transit services, and overtaxed city services.
The City is setting up food and water distribution sites throughout the blackout zone in Lower Manhattan. The sites that will open at 3PM Thursday south of 14th Street are as follows:
• 10th Street between Avenues C and D
• Catherine Street between Monroe and Cherry Streets (Smith Houses)
• Pitt and Houston Streets
• Grand and Clinton Streets – water only
• Bowery and Division Street (Confucius Plaza)
Maybe some of you can get word to friend's still down there?
Meanwhile, portions of lower Manhattan are slowly regaining power, but the International Business Times reports it will still be a little while for electricity to be flowing as normal: “All Manhattan customers of underground electrical power will have
service restored by Saturday, Con Edison has promised. The exceptions
will be residences or business with excessive water damage that could
interfere with electrical operations.”