Scalia's gay adoption claim: Even wronger than thought.
Could a win on marriage equality cause the collapse of LGBT organizations?
Photographer creates new worlds from old fire hydrants.
Bacon-flavored condoms.
Obama signs Monsanto Protection Act: "What this means is that even in the face of science-based evidence highlighting the dangers of such foods to both animals and humans, Monsanto, a monstrous group that brought Agent Orange to Vietnam and labels itself 'A Sustainable Agriculture Company' is essentially protected from litigation."
GLAAD to honor Adam Lambert in San Francisco.
Obama's "tricky balancing act" in enforcing DOMA.
The Catholic activists behind the Supreme Court DOMA fight: "'Edie called for help. It was urgent,' Fay says. Windsor's partner of almost four decades, Thea Spyer, had been battling multiple sclerosis since 1975, and doctors had given her only months to live. Fay reached out to Canadian Judge Harvey Brownstone of the Ontario Court of Justice, who gladly performed the ceremony. Fay was part of a small contingent of friends that shepherded Edie and Thea, who was confined to a motorized wheelchair, to a Toronto hotel, where they were married May 22, 2007."
Harry Potter star Richard Griffiths dies at 65.
MUSIC VIDEO: Depeche Mode's "Soothe My Soul".
More on the Dan Choi trial: "One of the most dramatic moments of Thursday’s trial session came when Choi played a video, while LaChance was on the witness stand, of the 2009 interview of Choi by Rachel Maddow, in which Choi came out as gay. He said the video would provide evidence helpful to his case. But with the lights dimmed in the courtroom and the video playing on several screens, Choi began to sob uncontrollably before shouting to the judge, 'The defense rests!' He then called on Facciola to immediately begin the closing arguments for the trial."
Chick-fil-A hands out hate chicken coupons to same-sex marriage demonstrators.
Why the GOP is screwed: "There remains a split within the Republican Party between the secular consultant class and the social conservatives who make up a healthy portion of the party’s base. As Messina pointed out, recent history suggests that the base will prevail, even at the cost of harming the party’s electoral prospects."
Baby giraffe stands for the first time.
Nigerians watch Supreme Court on gay marriage: "As the U.S. Supreme Court considers the country's legal position on gay marriage, Nigerian leaders are re-asserting their position on the issue, advocating laws that further ban the already illegal practice. Gay rights activists in Nigeria fear if the U.S. Supreme Court decides to uphold laws banning gay marriage in America, it will be an excuse to further squash gay rights in Nigeria."