PHOTO OF THE DAY: Gay cuteness overload courtesy of Reddit.
A look back at today's top stories
There was a horrifying report out of Somalia today of a gay teen allegedly stoned to death while the whole village watched. The report remains unconfirmed. Michelle Bachmann made some outlandish claims about the spending in President Obama's administration at CPAC but when pressed by CNN, she wouldn't stand behind them. Apparently the Westboro Baptist Church members are thankful that a "Sodomite Rainbow House" opened up across the street? Michelle Shocked has perfectly demonstrated how to totally ruin one's career as 10 of her 11 tour venues have cancelled on her for anti-gay remarks that she tried to explain today, but was foiled when actual audio of the rant emerged.
Family Research Council President Tony Perkins is not pleased with rumors that the GOP may abandon the anti-gay marriage platform for 2016 and says that Evangelicals may have to create their own party. That doesn't sound like a fun party. A popular Colombian model says that eating too much chicken makes boys gay. Thanks for all that chicken mom! And students in Vancouver are upset with a local law school's attempt to join the Federation of Law Societies despite their staunch anti-gay policies.
Apparently the prevalence of Jon Hamm's giant ham is causing some wardrobe issues on the set of the upcoming season of Mad Men. Justin Timberlake's new video is all about his grandparents. Awww! And keep the Star Wars/Schoolhouse Rock mash-ups keep coming!
The New York Times reports that we will be able to hear arguments in the Prop 8 and DOMA SCOTUS cases shortly after they happen as the court will release same-day audio from the proceedings. Also was Pope Francis' rumored support of civil unions an act of enlightenment or politics?
Tired of being surrounded by idiots? Just take this pill and join them! And here is why the snooze button is actually like the worst thing ever!