Actor Tim Curry recovering after stroke...
FOX News, CNN underreport anti-gay hate crime while obsessing over Jodi Arias.
San Francisco Giants Jeremy Affeldt says SF transformed his negative feelings toward gays: ''There's a chapter in there of me coming to San Francisco and being hesitant because I had homophobia, and now I don't,'' he said. ''I see more San Francisco as a city of love and a city of passion and compassion. It's unbelievable this city. To see that and to have my heart change as a city I didn't ever want to come to, to a city that I'm so thankful I'm going to be part of for a long time, it talks about that. For me, it was an awesome deal.''
Amanda Bynes arrested after throwing bong out of her window at NYC's Biltmore.
Jon Stewart cast Gael Garcia Bernal as the lead in his directorial debut Rosewater: "Stewart is taking a 12-week hiatus from hosting Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" in order to make the movie. 'Daily Show' correspondent John Oliver will take over hosting duties for eight weeks during Stewart's absence."
An interview with Harvey Milk's nephew Stuart. "There are many wonderful leaders who have stood on my uncle's shoulders and through their leadership moved equality forward, but my uncle is still my highest inspiration. I remember one of my last conversations with him, in which he said the upsurge in death threats he was getting every day was evidence to him that he was making a difference in the world. The courage he had, knowing he would be killed, to carry on and to record a message that would be used to hurdle LGBT rights forward after that violent result happened is still a benchmark of courage rarely matched."
What was behind the anti-gay violence in Georgia?
The Pope: Atheists are not monsters.
amfAR guest pays $1.5 million to go to space with Leonardo DiCaprio.
Portugal allows gay co-adoption: "The move allows gay men and women the right to co-adopt their partner’s children if the other parent dies. In fact, the approval of gay co-adoption – with 99 votes in favour, 94 against and nine abstentions – was considered by many as a surprise, making Portugal the fifth country in the world to allow same-sex co-adoption, alongside Finland, Austria, Germany and Israel."
Make sure you don't miss the 'dance of the planets'.
Well, hello Jesse.
Scott Thorson on Liberace: "There have been rumors that Lee had an affair with Rock Hudson early in their careers. But Rock wasn't any more Lee's type than Lee was Rock's. The supposed affair never happened. In the years we were together, Lee never mentioned knowing Rock. Although hundreds of celebrities came to Lee's shows, Rock never made an appearance. The two men moved in completely different circles, socially and professionally."
Stephen King wrote a non-horror novel and now he's talking about it.
Andrew Garfield and Tom Sturridge are a happy hipster couple.
Maggie Gallagher: Saying heterosexuality is better isn't anti-gay.
Brown bears released after 10 years in captivity. "Ari and Arina, both 10 years old, were taken to their new, much larger home, by the international animal charity group Four Paws, which helped sedate and transport them."
Michael Douglas gets emotional about Behind the Candelabra.
Cockroaches' sense of taste has evolved so they can beat traps.
ENDA won't see action until July. “It would have been the preference of many LGBT advocates to hold the markup in May or June, but the committee has a very busy schedule, and I do think that some policy makers in Washington, D.C., have a philosophy that nothing should be done on any gay rights issue until after the Supreme Court rules in the marriage equality cases,” he said. Almeida said he disagrees with that philosophy, but, “[M]any people in this town have decided to put all LGBT issues on hold until the Supreme Court rules.”