Alarming and terrifying scenes out of Tblisi, Georgia today where a Gay Pride rally was abandoned after thousands of people in an angry mob descended upon the marchers.
Watch two videos of the mob I discovered this morning, AFTER THE JUMP…
Police guarded the several dozen activists before they could board buses to be evacuated from the area. Even then, as the buses departed, the violent mobs surrounded them, chanting and beating on the windows.
"Protesters, who included Orthodox priests, insist that homosexuality runs against Georgia's traditional Orthodox Christian values. Authorities in Georgia had given the green light to the gay parade, saying that all Georgian citizens irrespective of their sexuality are entitled to voice their views in public."
Reuters adds:
Holding banners saying "Stop Homosexual Propaganda in Georgia!" and "Not in our city!", the demonstrators swarmed into a square in central Tbilisi where about 50 Georgians were rallying in support of gay rights. Police escorted the gay rights supporters onto buses and drove them away to avoid violence.
Several people, including some journalists, received minor injuries, Georgian media said.
"We won't allow these sick people to hold gay parades in our country," said Zhuzhuna Tavadze, brandishing a bunch of nettles and adding that she was ready to fight.
"It's against our traditions and our morals."
Later in the evening, rowdy crowds took to the streets and started shouting at people they thought might be homosexual.
Here are the buses taking off as the mob arrives: