Amid calls from several Michigan Republican lawmakers and the Chairman of the Republican National Committee Reince Priebus for him to step down for his anti-gay and anti-Muslim remarks, RNC Committeeman Dave Agema remains defiant, releasing this press release today:
As an American proud of our Country, my faith and convictions, and the core values and principles that have contributed directly to our unrivaled international role as champions of freedom, prosperity and hope- I have made comments considered by some, to be insensitive, inflammatory, and inaccurate.
In retrospect, I acknowledge errors in judgment and how I addressed them, feel badly about the impact this has had on many here in the land I love, and have learned valuable lessons about the requirements and responsibilities that are to be expected and honored by all who are in leadership positions- including myself.
I have become increasingly frustrated and concerned by continuous attacks on religion in general, and Christians in particular, by the Democrat Party, the Obama Administration, and others. I openly posed a question aimed at shedding light on that subject. I readily acknowledge my mistake, appreciate the charitable efforts of Muslim Americans, and offer my sincerest apology for reposting an article that has been re-quoted as my words. I stand with peaceful Muslims who share my concern with radicalism and look forward to continuing to work with people of all faiths that uphold American values.
As an American who has spent his entire life remaining faithful to his religion, his family, and his country, I have been unwilling to compromise my principles, traditional values or support for the Word of God.
My personal beliefs and public statements expressing them as a public figure, has been attacked by a few strident advocates for homosexual marriage seeking to change Republican, Michigan and America's mores and laws. Despite our American heritage of the right to speak freely- or perhaps because of it, my personal views on the sanctity of marriage have led to loud and heated statements among some, on all sides of this issue. I could have handles this better.
I want to affirm that my goal is for a better life for all residents of Michigan. I have learned much over the last several weeks and will use the lessons learned to improve on my abilities to further the best interests of all people of Michigan, through my role as a proud member of the Republican National Committee. I have received great response at packed audiences, drawing voters to the GOP. I fully intend to honor the trust and fulfill the responsibilities to those in the Michigan Republican Party that elected me.
Agema has said that gays falsely claim people with AIDS as their lovers in order to cheat the system and get free medical benefits, and last week said Russia's anti-gay law is "common sense".
Regarding the anti-Muslim remarks, "Earlier this month, Agema reposted another 'eye opening' Internet article asking readers whether they had 'ever seen a Muslim do anything that contributes positively to the American way of life,' prompting a new round of angry responses."