Earlier this week, we reported on anti-gay wingnut Linda Harvey’s new book Maybe He’s Not Gay, which was written to help youth “focus on the bright future they can all have, regardless of the turmoil of adolescents, which for some may include same sex attractions or gender confusion.”
The book’s description on Amazon further illustrated the dangerous message at its core:
"I'm gay." As more and more young people announce this is their identity, it's time to take a closer look. It's a profound declaration, a new civil right (they are told) and it's "who you are." But there's a problem. Are we sure this is the truth?
Does this identity bring the promised liberation and the key to a whole new life? Does it lift the burden of secrecy – or begin a different kind of struggle?
Now, thankfully, it appears as if Amazon has removed the book from its catalog. Will Kohler at Back2Stonewall writes:
After a few email’s this afternoon from this website and Amazon.com over who and what Linda Harvey is, Amazon.com has decided to pull the Mission: America’s hate group leader’s latest anti-lgbt propaganda book ”Maybe He’s Not Gay”.