Todd Starnes is very, very sad. After seeing gay weddings in the Rose Bowl Parade, the various outpourings of support for gay Olympians and condemnations of Russia's abominable laws, having a meltdown over the Grammy weddings, and now with Michael Sam daring to come out as an openly gay football player, sports have been ruined for Starnes forever.
Said Starnes, in part, on Facebook:
I should've learned my lesson after the Rose Bowl Parade and the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
It's all about advancing a cultural agenda — no matter the cost.
We are no longer allowed to have fun and enjoy sports or entertainment programs. How sad.
"Advancing a cultural agenda"…said without a trace of irony from the man who lied that Colorado high schoolers have been banned from celebrating America, falsely claimed that a VA hospital in Dallas forbade Christmas cards, and engaged in vile fear-mongering tactics by asserting that Obama is going to turn the U.S. military against Christians.
Hemant Mehta at Patheos sums up Starnes' complaint rather nicely:
I guess he wants an NFL where only straight players get to tackle each other and slap each other on the ass and an Olympics where only straight athletes get to participate in the two-man luge.