The World Congress of Families has issued a petition demanding that Human Rights Campaign stop its “hate-filled” attack on the listed hate group's important work of denying gay people their rights and spreading anti-gay bigotry around the world
The World Congress of Families (WCF) has issued a petition demanding that Human Rights Campaign (HRC) stop its “hate-filled” attack on the listed hate group's important work of denying gay people their rights and spreading anti-gay bigotry around the world.
The WCF petition follows a September HRC report that exposed some of the most vitriolic activists in the U.S. promoting anti-gay bigotry abroad including Benjamin Bull, Peter La Barbera, Sharon Slater, Mat Staver, Robert Oscar Lopez, and of course the “work” of the WCF.
Despite the relentless and dangerous hatred spewed worldwide by these and other groups and individuals – stand up Scott Lively – the WCF petition demands that HRC be nicer in future and vows to continue its global anti-gay mission.
Revealing that WCF and their ilk are actually the victims in all of this – a common theme among anti-gay bigots – the petition argues that “the HRC's hate report has helped make clear to the global community what is at stake, it has revealed that HRC and its allies view traditional religious views on sexual morality and marriage as ‘hate', it has taken the mask off of the new face of cultural imperialism.”
Despite the WCF's claims to have “consistently denounced hate and violence,” it is one of the most influential groups in the U.S. promoting and coordinating anti-LGBT bigotry, ideology and legislation abroad.
According to Ty Cobb, HRC Foundation's director of Global Engagement, the WCF:
"Coordinates a dangerous group of activists spreading anti-LGBT rhetoric and promoting laws and policies that criminalize LGBT people and the speech of those who support them.
"They praise Vladimir Putin as the standard-bearer for traditional ‘family values' and honored a Nigerian activist who claims LGBT advocates conspire with the terrorist group Boko Haram with a ‘Woman of the Year' award.
"Their advocacy abroad harms LGBT people from Russia to Nigeria and beyond. Hate is not an American value, and we must expose and work to stop the World Congress of Families and their extremist allies.”
The WCF intends to bring its annual convention to Salt Lake City in 2015.
Read the HRC reports The Export Of Hate and watch a report on a protest outside a WCF conference in Melbourne, Australia, AFTER THE JUMP…