Vile anti-gay wingnut Bryan Fischer was at it again on his radio program yesterday, arguing that equality for gay people “represents the greatest single threat” to liberty the United States has ever faced
Vile anti-gay wingnut Bryan Fischer was at it again on his radio program yesterday, arguing that equality for gay people “represents the greatest single threat” to liberty the United States has ever faced, reports Right Wing Watch.
Fischer was interviewing anti-gay teen, radio show host and Fischer mini-me Caiden Cowger who in 2012 called homosexuality a “perversion” and said that President Obama is encouraging kids to be gay.
Introducing Cowger – who has been pushing a story that a Christian student at his West Virginia high school was forced to attend an LGBT student club and punished for expressing his opinion – Fischer said:
"The homosexual agenda represents the greatest single threat to religious liberty we have ever seen in the history of our existence as a nation.
“In fact, it's the greatest threat to liberty of all kinds, whether it is freedom of religion, whether it is freedom of speech, whether it is freedom of the press, whether it is freedom of association, all of the rights that are enshrined in the First Amendment are threatened by the active, aggressive homosexual lobby and the homosexual agenda.”
Among many, many crazy recent outbursts, in November Fischer claimed that the GOP won the mid term elections because his god answered anti-gay prayers.
Listen to Fischer's latest nonsense and watch Cowger's unintentionally hilarious report on the supposed “incident”, AFTER THE JUMP…