A law firm representing the Florida Association of Court Clerks & Comptrollers that had earlier cautioned against clerks issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples starting next week has reversed course following U.S. Judge Robert Hinkle's yesterday ruling clarifying that all county clerks in the state are bound by the U.S. Constitution to issue license to same-sex couples.
The Miami Herald reports:
"We are pleased that Judge Hinkle has clarified his original order and the responsibilities of the clerks around the state," said Hilarie Bass, Greenberg Traurig's co-president. "The order states that the Constitution requires all clerks to issue marriage licenses to all applicants, regardless of gender."
In his ruling, Hinkle warned clerks throughout Florida that if thye don't follow his order, they could get sued.
"Judge Hinkle's order states that any clerk refusing to issue a license could be subject to civil damages and liability for the plaintiffs' fees and costs," Bass said. "Greenberg Traurig has advised the Florida Association of Court Clerks and Comptrollers that clerks should follow the judge's ruling for all marriage-license applications or face the consequences identified by Judge Hinkle."
Previously, "Three Florida County Clerks Discontinue Courthouse Weddings to Avoid Serving Gay Couples" [tlrd]