Attempting to cling to relevance for his probable upcoming presidential run, former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee called into question the Obamas' parental judgment in an interview with People that was published last week, highlighting the (false) dichotomy of Barack and Michelle's encouragement of both broccoli and Beyoncé in their daughters' lives. In his book he called the singer "obnoxious and toxic mental poison in the form of song lyrics", and yesterday in an interview with ABC's Martha Raddatz he doubled-down by claiming the pop diva's lyrics are "unwholesome" to put in one's brain.
Alyssa Rosenberg at The Washington Post has a rundown of some of Beyonce's songs that utterly eviscerate Huckabee's talking points about the lack of "wholesomeness" of Beyoncé and the mistake that the Obamas have made by allowing Sasha and Malia to listen to her tracks.
You can watch Huckabee speak for himself AFTER THE JUMP…