In a new video for Big Think, former U.S. Rep. Barney Frank offers some subtle advise for atheists with political ambitions: be careful referring to yourself as an atheist, Frank cautions.
Frank acknowledges the importance of stopping oppression of "nonbelievers," and that he himself doesn't have a particularly "theistic approach." But Frank asks political hopefuls: "Why pick a fight that doesn't have to be waged?"
Says the former congressman:
The problem with atheism, politically, starts with the phrase. I've advised people who are themselves nonbelievers not to use the word "atheist." It has a harshness to it. Not necessarily literally, but it comes off as a repudiation of religion. And religion is very important to many people, a source of good feelings for many of them. It is not always, unfortunately a motive for good behavior.
Other topics in the clip include Frank's Judaism and the volatility of religion worldwide. Check it out, AFTER THE JUMP…