A new video produced by anti-gay listed hate group Family Research Council (FRC) claims that a Supreme Court ruling striking down bans on marriage equality would jeopardize religious freedom
A new video produced by anti-gay listed hate group Family Research Council (FRC) claims that a Supreme Court ruling striking down bans on marriage equality would jeopardize religious freedom, reports Right Wing Watch.
Highlighting cases in Oregon and Washington where businesses were sued for violating state non-discrimination laws, the video – made with Rick Santorum's film company EchoLight Studios – warns that same-sex marriage would undermine the separation of church and state.
Narrator and FRC leader Tony Perkins argues that such cases will lead to a scary future in which the government will infringe on the rights of religious people in order to promote LGBT equality. With guest appearances by Santorum and Mike Huckabee.
Watch a clip from the video, AFTER THE JUMP…