With the PATRIOT Act Congressional re-authorization date looming ahead, Last Week Tonight host John Oliver devoted Sunday's episode to the issue of government surveillance. Specifically, Oliver called for reforms to "Section 215," which enables the government to ask for "any tangible things" so long as it pertains to international terrorism.
Oliver called it a "blank check," saying:
Its like letting a teenager borrow that car on the strict condition that they only use it for 'car' related activities. "Okay Mom and Dad, I'm going to use this for a hand job in the Wendy's parking lot, but that is 'car' related so I think I'm covered."
Oliver also traveled to Russia and sat down with Edward Snowden to discuss the the NSA, the balance between privacy and security, dick pics, whether he misses Hot Pockets and Florida, and more.
Check it out, AFTER THE JUMP…