Need a refresher on all the informative, uplifting, sexy, and entertaining LGBT videos from this past week?
Look no further as we count down the best of the best, AFTER THE JUMP…
10. Jake Tapper Explains to Marco Rubio Why He's The 'Candidate of Yesterday' on Gay Marriage
GOP presidential hopeful Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) sat down with CNN's Jake Tapper on Tuesday and Tapper confronted him with the numbers on same-sex marriage.
Said Tapper: "You are casting yourself as a candidate of a new generation, but there is an issue where you are very out of step with younger voters…On that issue, same-sex marriage, Senator, you’re the candidate of yesterday."
9. RuPaul Opens Up in 90-Minute New York Public Library Interview
RuPaul had quite an amazing 90-minute interview at the New York Public Library recently.
Topics he went over with Paul Holdengräber, series host of 'Live from NYPL' were being an introvert, intimate interviews, Oscar Wilde, looking at life positively, astrological signs, gathering clues about people, Virginia Woolf, androgyny and the human mind, Diana Ross, Dolly Parton, Cher, why pop stars exist, Judge Judy, and much, much more….
8. Matt Baume Gazes Into the Crystal Ball of the 2016 Election to See What It Means for LGBT People
Marriage news soothsayer Matt Baume has been playing hocus pocus in the studio and looks into his crystal ball to predict what will happen in 2016 with the presidential election and how it will affect LGBT rights.
7. Family Research Council Warns Gay Marriage Will Destroy Religious Freedom in New Scare Video
A new video produced by anti-gay listed hate group Family Research Council claims that a U.S. Supreme Court ruling striking down bans on marriage equality will destroy religious freedom.
"President Ronald Reagan once said that freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction," warns Tony Perkins in the scare piece. "In our nation's capital a decision is about to be made that will cut to the very heart of our Republic."
6. Jimmy Kimmel and the Avengers Cast React to Gay Erotic Fan Art
Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner, who star in the upcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron, joined Jimmy Kimmel Monday night for his show which featured a number of segments, one of which involved gawking at some of the slash artwork created by fans.
5. Cory Booker Delivers Searing Speech on Senate Floor Calling for Nationwide Marriage Equality
New Jersey Senator Cory Booker delivered an emotional, impassioned speech on the Senate floor Monday night urging the Supreme Court to rule in favor of marriage equality.
Booker's speech took as its centerpiece the story of Jim Obergefell and the late John Arthur, the gay Ohio couple who in 2013 flew to Maryland to marry on the airport tarmac before Arthur's death from ALS because Ohio wouldn't allow their marriage. Obergefell is a plaintiff now in one of the cases that SCOTUS will be hearing on April 28.
Said Booker: "We cannot fail now. Love is on the line. Citizenship is on the line. We cannot deny the worth of one American without denying the worth dignity and strength of our nation as a whole."
4. Transgender 'Men's Health' Cover Model Hopeful Aydian Dowling 'So Happy and Proud' for the Support
This week we reported on trans bodybuilder Aydian Dowling's incredible ascent to the top of a competition to be the next Men's Health 'Ultimate Guy'cover model.
Dowling told the Daily Beast in an interview and profile that he's been blown away by the support:
“It’s been crazy and amazing. I definitely was not expecting all the support, but I’m so happy and proud of the community for using its loud voice and realizing that we really could do it. We’re banding together and this is us. We exist and we should be represented in some way in mainstream."
Check out Dowling's original video on Monday back when he was #12 on the list:
3. Gay Marriage Takes Center Stage on the Democratic Party's 2016 Campaign Trail
We are only one week into the 2016 presidential campaign trail on the Democratic side and gay marriage has already taken center stage. Hillary Clinton's first campaign video featured two same-sex couples while her third ad focused squarely on her recent declaration in support of a pro-equality marriage ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court this year.
Former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley meanwhile came out swinging against Clinton's cautious record on gay marriage in an ad released mere hours after Clinton's SCOTUS declaration. O'Malley is widely expected to challenge Clinton for the nomination although to what degree he can slow or stop the Hillary steamroller remains to be seen.
2. Michigan Auto Shop Owner 'Would Not Hesitate to Refuse Service to An Openly Gay Person' (Gun Owners Get a Discount Though)
Oh Brian Klawiter. You are positively bursting with bigotry and yet sorely lacking in business acumen. Luckily at least one bankruptcy lawyer has already reached out to you to help your inevitable transition out of your current career.
1. Must-Watch Ad Urging 'Yes' on Ireland's Marriage Equality Referendum Will Give You Major Feels
Campaigns to approve Ireland's upcoming marriage equality referendum are well underway but few are as effective and touching as one released this past week by BeLonG To Youth Services which encourages people to bring family members to the polls.
Guaranteed to put a smile on your Sunday.