The king of trash comedy who created iconic works like Pink Flamingos and the Broadway hit Hairspray, John Waters, known for defying modern moral and politically correct attitudes, frankly revealed that he still calls Caitlyn Jenner Bruce and questioned why she's off limits when it comes to jokes in an interview with the U.K.'s The Spectator:
“The Bruce Jenner/Caitlyn thing is kind of old hat to me. I had a transgender woman in Pink Flamingos. She had breasts and a penis. She got the operation that week. That was radical to me then. Caitlyn's a Republican, she's on a reality show, and she's a Kardashian. We can't make fun of him or her?”
Waters' view on Jenner is sure to ruffle some feathers, but for the director that seared eyes with the immortalized image of a drag queen eating dog feces, Waters remains an unapologetic nonconformist from his unconventional views on gay marriage to creating spaces for minorities within the LGBT community through his rather eclectic films and vexing art.
Waters also briefly discussed Jenner's Vanity Fair cover in an interview with WGBH News. Watch Waters discuss Jenner, his fearless cross-country hitchhiking experiment and more below:
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