Although recently quiet on the anti-gay rhetoric front, apocalypse obsessed former Republican House rep. Michele Bachmann popped up last weekend to attack gay rights activists for bringing god's retribution on the U.S., reports Right Wing Watch.
RELATED: A Look Back At The Craziest Michele Bachmann Moments In Congress: VIDEO
Simultaneously attacking and jumping up and down with excitement for the upcoming wrath of the almighty, Bachmann told Janet Markell that Christian pastors need to following the lead of “Islamic countries…obsessed with End Times and bringing about End Times.”
She added:
“When we raise our fist to a holy God and say that we are going to redefine marriage, we are going to be okay with paying a Planned Parenthood to cut up innocent baby parts and sell them for research, that clearly is a problem and as we have seen God render judgment in the days of Noah, in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah and so forth throughout history, what the prophets have told every generation is that there is a just God and the people must repent and turn to him.
“So too in this day of wickedness in our own culture, we need to do the same. We need to repent and we need to confess because a holy Savior is coming to save us and redeem us from this sin-sick world.”
Not to be outdone, Markell applied her lipstick just in case the sky fairy chose to return “even before we finish this broadcast.”
Listen to the conversation below.
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