Today, Republican presidential long shot Rand Paul broadcast his day on Periscope, which turned out to be a fateful decision after he received a question at a campaign event about anti-discrimination protections for LGBT people.
Specifically addressing whether he supports legislation that would make it illegal for employers to fire someone for being gay, Paul said,
“I think really the things you do in your house we could just leave those things in your house and they wouldn't have to be part of the workplace to tell you the truth. These are very difficult decisions on what you decide will be employer's decisions and not. And really isn't so much about that question as it is about—it sets up a classification, or a class of people who can now sue. See what I mean? So what happens, it sets up a whole industry for people who want to sue.”
He added, “If you are gay there are plenty of places that will hire you.”
Watch the video below: