CBS' Face the Nation contributor Frank Luntz gathered a focus group of rabid Donald Trump supporters to find out just what's driving them to vote for him, and came to the conclusion that if Trump decides to run as an independent the Republican Party is in deep, deep trouble.
Citing “entertainment factor, persona,” and the fact that he would “bomb the sh-t out of ISIS” (which got a round of applause), Trump's supporters went around the room and offered their reasons for voting for him, as well as the reasons they hate Obama.
Said one woman: “You know what Trump does? He says something completely crazy and inflammatory. And I'm like, ‘oh my gosh.' And then he dials back and sort of starts explaining it and saying how he would do [it]. And it makes sorta sense.”
Of Trump's racist statements about Muslims, another man assured Luntz: “If Trump gets elected, he will have people who will coach him to make sure these type of things aren't said out loud.”
The group seemed energized by Trump's outrageous and racist statements.
One man added: “Trump is smart like a fox. He's in campaign mode. He has to be proactive. He's intentionally playing the media. He's saying things that are right on the edge. He's exaggerating. He's saying things that he knows the mainstream media will grab and throw gasoline on.”
He later said: “The Republican Party has failed us the last two times with weak candidates, first with McCain who was weak, then Romney who was weak. We're tired of weak candidates.”
Most of the room seemed willing to vote for Trump as an independent and one man offered his opinion of what should be done to the GOP:
“Maybe it's time to blow it up! Blow it up!”
Said Luntz as a follow-up to the focus group: “If Donald Trump should decide to run as an independent the Republican Party will be in deep, deep trouble….By the way I blame the leadership of the GOP because Donald Trump does his worst in the presidential debates. If there were more debates where more candidates were standing side by side with Donald Trump, he would not be in the position that he is today.”