The Biloxi, Mississippi City Council has voted to approve a resolution urging repeal of the Religious Accommodations Act signed into law by Governor Bryant.
“Jesus says to love your neighbor. Jesus also did not turn anyone away or does he teach us to. Biloxi is based on diversity and we will continue to do so in my opinion,” said Biloxi Councilperson Dixie Newman.
Showing overwhelming support for Mayor Gilich's resolution calling for the repeal of House Bill 1523, the City Council voted 6-0 in favor of the mayor's proposal.
“For the good of Mississippi and for the good of Biloxi we had to make this statement because economically it just goes against our grain,” said Gilich. “I think reasonable people will understand our position.”
Once councilman, Robert Deming, declined to vote.
Said Deming: “I definitely agree with our commitment to diversity and hospitality. I just disagree with condemning the Governor or the language in the resolution.”
Watch WLOX's report: