Colombia's Constitutional Court has ruled in favor of same-sex marriage effectively making marriage equality the law of the land.
News of the 6-3 decision came from Spanish-language news sources El Espectador and Santa Rosa News.
The court previously held hearings on same-sex marriage 9 months ago. Despite the delay in issuing its ruling, the pro-equality decision was considered likely by those following the case.
The Washington Blade reports on the background of the legal fight for marriage rights:
The court in 2011 ruled that same-sex couples could register their relationships within two years if Colombian lawmakers did not pass a bill that would extend to the same benefits heterosexuals receive through marriage. Legislators in the South American country subsequently defeated a same-sex marriage bill. A handful of gay and lesbian couples in Bogotá and other Colombian cities have exchanged vows since the court's deadline passed in 2013. Inspector General Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado has challenged the rulings that allowed them to marry.
Watch a video of celebrations in Colombia after the news came down, below.