Kanye West told the crowd at a San Jose concert last night that he didn't vote in the U.S. election, but if he had, he would have voted for Donald Trump.
“I told y'all I didn't vote, right? I guess I told you. But if I would have voted, I would have voted on Trump.”
"I would've voted for Trump" – @kanyewest pic.twitter.com/XtyUteCgUZ
— albertoreyes (@albertoreyes) November 18, 2016
The statement was just one in many last night about his support for Trump. He also told black people to “stop focusing on racism.”
According to tweets from astonished concertgoers, he also apparently rapped “I hope they build the wall, I hope they get rid of them all.”
Kanye just said he thinks he'll have the experience in 2020 to run for office, I'm dead serious, Kanye just said he's preparing for 2020.
— Darion G @ L.A (@SkyIsTumbling) November 18, 2016
So @kanyewest just said he didn't vote but if he did he would vote for trump….
Whole arena just went silent.
— Qias Omar (@QiasOmar) November 18, 2016
Kanye West just stopped the show again to tell us that Kanye liked Trumps campaign. Someone threw something at Kanye but he isn't mad.
— Darion G @ L.A (@SkyIsTumbling) November 18, 2016
Kanye is praising Donald Trump at his show right now. Said he likes his politically incorrect way of communication.
— Brandon Patterson (@itsmebrandonp) November 18, 2016
Kanye is now saying how he loved Trumps debate style. Kanye is glad Trump inspired racists to reveal themselves. "This is the beginning"
— Darion G @ L.A (@SkyIsTumbling) November 18, 2016
Kanye then says "Neither candidate would fix racism in this country" Walks off stage, end of concert. WOW.
— Darion G @ L.A (@SkyIsTumbling) November 18, 2016
Some of the other clips: