REALLY!? Amy Poehler and Seth Meyers come for James Comey. “Really, James Comey? You're worried the Democrats are going to move too far to the left? Really? I don't know if you remember, but we were just about to have a nice, boring, moderate Democrat for a president until you decided to open your mouth a week before the election, you big, dumb scarecrow.”
ROBERT MUELLER. Reviewing Trump's tweets as part of obstruction inquiry: “The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, is scrutinizing tweets and negative statements from the president about Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, according to three people briefed on the matter.
STONED ALONE. Ryan Reynolds plans stoner remake of Home Alone.
OREGON. Federal judge rules transgender people have right to use restroom of their choice.
IMPEACH ROD ROSENSTEIN? Paul Ryan rejects the idea: ‘The Wisconsin Republican told reporters the Department of Justice was largely complying with a GOP demand for documents surrounding the FBI's Russia investigation. “I don't think we should be cavalier with this process or this term,” he said of impeachment. “I don't think this rises to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors.” That puts him in conflict with the no. 3 Republican, Majority Whip Steve Scalise, who expressed support for the idea in a Fox News interview earlier in the day.' Rep. Mark Walker (R-NC) also opposed: “Walker told reporters on Capitol Hill that he would vote against any effort to impeach Rosenstein in the House a day after two members of the House Freedom Caucus joined nine co-sponsors to announce articles of impeachment against Rosenstein.”
JIM JORDAN. Ohio Rep. who ignored abuse of wrestlers at OSU to announce bid for Speaker.”Should the American people entrust us with the majority again in the 116th Congress, I plan to run for Speaker of the House to bring real change to the House of Representatives,” said a statement Jordan released through a spokesman. “President Trump has taken bold action on behalf of the American people,” his statement continued. “Congress has not held up its end of the deal, but we can change that. It's time to do what we said.”
DEMI LOVATO. Heading back to rehab after hospitalization for overdose.
LOCK HER UP. Jeff Sessions on what he should have said to high school conservatives, but didn't: “I met with a group of enthusiastic high school students, and they spontaneously broke into that chant. I perhaps should have taken a moment to advise them of the fact that… you're presumed innocent until cases are made.”
AG Sessions on echoing a "lock her up!" chant earlier this week: "I perhaps should have taken a moment to advise them that … you're presumed innocent until cases are made." pic.twitter.com/lR7FNszGeg
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) July 26, 2018
FLORIDA. Federal judge strikes down campus ban on early voting: ‘Calling it a “lopsided” burden on college students, a federal judge on Tuesday told Florida that college and university campuses can be used as early voting sites in this year's elections. In a scathing ruling, U.S. District Judge Mark Walker called the ban put in place by Secretary of State Ken Detzner unconstitutional. He said it appeared to be done to stop younger voters from casting ballots.'
THE RECORD. Has been corrected: ‘The White House on Thursday updated the official transcript of President Trump‘s press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin to include a previously omitted question about whether Putin wanted Trump to win the 2016 election.'
AUSTRALIA. How the country's first gay imam is changing lives: ‘Unable to travel due to security concerns, he set up Marhaba – an online prayer group – five years ago. He tells the BBC how his efforts have helped to “heal” families.'
SANDY HOOK PARENTS. Mark Zuckerberg providing a “safe haven for hate” on Facebook. “But we are unable to properly grieve for our baby or move on with our lives because you, arguably the most powerful man on the planet, have deemed that the attacks on us are immaterial, that providing assistance in removing threats is too cumbersome, and that our lives are less important than providing a safe haven for hate.”
HONG KONG. Gay civil servant to take spousal benefits case to high court: “Telling the Post of his decision on Thursday, Angus Leung Chun-kwong said he was encouraged by a recent landmark Court of Final Appeal ruling in favour of a lesbian expatriate, known as QT in court, requiring the city's Immigration Department to grant her a spousal visa.”
FACEBOOK. Stock plunges 20 percent amid privacy, election fallout.
STUPID LAUGH TRACK OF THE DAY. Paul Ryan reading mean tweets.
