Brooklyn Nine-Nine actor Terry Crews is being slammed on Twitter for a series of tweets in which he argued that children need a mother and a father, calling children of same-sex parents “severely malnourished.”
The tweetstorm began when Crews, a devout Christian, criticized a New York Times opinion piece, offended that a woman had written an op-ed about young black men.
Crews picked up the conversation on Saturday after it veered into a discussion of single parent parenting. In a tweet since deleted, he added: “I've reiterated many times that same sex couples and single parents can successfully raise a child. But I believe paternal AND maternal love are like vitamins and minerals to humanity. No matter where you get that paternal and maternal love. MY purpose is to give paternal love.”
Told by another user that “love is not gendered. A child will not starve with only one gender loving them,” Crews replied: “But they will be severely malnourished.”
And Twitter came down on him, accusing him of homophobia and misogyny. Crews then apologized, but later kept going.
Crews also tweeted a video of his 2014 shouting match on The View on the same topic.
One user said, “What the F**K is wrong with you dude. We all trusted you, only for you to turn out to be a misogynist, homophobic a**hole.”