Last month we reported on an ugly incident at McCormick Junior High in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Students wearing Confederate flags distributed racist and homophobic flyers in an effort to bully students in McCormick Junior High School's Gay Straight Alliance (GSA).
The flyers showed a “NO” symbol covering a Pride flag and read “It's great to be straight. It's not ok to be gay.” They also read, “Black lives only matter because if it weren't for them who would pick our cotton” and “Join the kkk (the confederate kid club)”.

As a response to this hateful incident, school officials have punished the LGBTQ students!
The Wyoming Tribune Eagle reports: ‘Around 2:20 p.m. Wednesday, roughly 20-25 students from the GSA club were called out of class and sent to a room where three faculty awaited them, Ashlynn Kercher, an eighth-grade member of McCormick's GSA said. The faculty included the current GSA sponsor and two others, who told the GSA students they would no longer be allowed to have rainbow flags. The students asked if instead they could make pins or bracelets. They were told no, Kercher said.'
Added Kercher: “They told us it was a school distraction and ‘You don't want to make other people feel like you felt when you saw the posters.'”
If the students break the ‘No rainbows/LGBTQ paraphernalia' rule they will receive dress code violations which result in suspensions over time.
McCormick principal Jeff Conine denies the meeting between students and faculty took place.