A gay couple in Brown County, Ohio say they're being targeted by a homophobic neighbor who overturned and torched their car, shoots at them, and uses anti-gay slurs.
WKRC reports: ‘They moved away until February when they decided to move back. That's when they say the dispute began with someone in the neighborhood. It played out in verbal sparring across a creek. … Shortly thereafter, [Nathan] Paris says he came to the property to find his car upside down. He called the sheriff. In a sheriff's report obtained by Local 12, the man denied turning over the car but did say he had a problem with the fact that Paris and his partner had no septic and he could see their junk on the property. Then this last Saturday, Paris says the man began shooting at him and his partner.'
Said Paris: “He was saying ‘fag.' I said, ‘Yeah I'm a fag. You got a problem with it?' And he just kept going and calling me ‘fag' and ‘gay' and ‘queer.' That was the conversation at that point.”