The first trailer for Judy, the Judy Garland biopic starring Renee Zellweger, has arrived. The film is directed by Rupert Goold from a script written by Tom Edge (The Crown). BAFTA winner David Livingstone (Pride) is producing.
Here's the film's official synopsis: “Winter 1968 and showbiz legend Judy Garland arrives in Swinging London to perform in a sell-out run at The Talk of the Town. It is 30 years since she shot to global stardom in ‘The Wizard of Oz,' but if her voice has weakened, its dramatic intensity has only grown. As she prepares for the show, battles with management, charms musicians, and reminisces with friends and adoring fans, her wit and warmth shine through.”
The film's poster art has also been released:
“Judy” has not been without controversy. In 2018, Liza Minnelli said she did not “approve nor sanction” the film, following a report on that said Zellweger ‘bonded' with Liza Minnelli over the role. RadarOnline's article was removed after Minnelli's statement.
Said Minnelli on Facebook: “I have never met nor spoken to Renee Zellweger… I don't know how these stories get started, but I do not approve nor sanction the upcoming film about Judy Garland in any way. Any reports to the contrary are 100% Fiction.”