Hillary Clinton paid a visit to an art installation at the Venice Biennale erected in her honor, consisting of an exact replica of the Oval Office's Resolute Desk and 62,000 pages of paper containing every single email sent from her private email server.
The Washington Post reports: “The exhibit by artist Kenneth Goldsmith purports to make public ‘for the first time in printed format all the e-mails which, according to WikiLeaks, were sent from the domain clintonemail.com between 2009 and 2013' while Clinton was secretary of state.”
Clinton spent an hour at the exhibit reading her emails, according to the paper.
Said Clinton outside the show: “It was and is still one of the strangest most absurd events in American political history. Anyone can go in and look at them, there's nothing there. “
She added: “The exhibition is further proof that nothing wrong or controversial can be found on these emails. It makes them accessible to everyone and allows everyone to read them. … They are just so boring.”