A woman calling herself Grandma Winnie went viral on Tuesday for a video in which she holds a MAGA hat and makes her birthday wish known.
“I'm 100 years old,” she says in the clip, “and all I want for my birthday is for someone to impeach this sucker.” She then flings the MAGA hat out of frame where it is heard bouncing on the floor.
Marketwatch reports: ‘It's unclear whether the Grandma Winnie video is legit, however. The original clip appears to have first been shared on Instagram on Monday by activist art project Indecline 2020, which has used street art, film and parody to “expose justices carried out by both corporations and government agencies.” The lead clip on its Indiegogo page even parodies a Trump ransom video, where an actor pretending to be the president (whose wrists are in handcuffs) asks for donations for the art project. The group has raised a little over $19,000 toward its $250,000 goal. It did not immediately respond to a MarketWatch request for comment. But many on Twitter were indeed eating the video up, with several expressing surprise at Grandma Winnie's appearing to be a Trump supporter at first but then ending her video on the cusp of dropping an F-bomb against the president.'