Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough laid into Trump after an early morning tweet from the president calling for a 2001 cold case against the MSNBC anchor to be reopened. The case involved the death of an intern in Scarborough's congressional office, and was deemed accidental.
Tweeted Trump: “‘Concast' should open up a long overdue Florida Cold Case against Psycho Joe Scarborough. I know him and Crazy Mika well, used them beautifully in the last Election, dumped them nicely, and will state on the record that he is ‘nuts'. Besides, bad ratings! #OPENJOECOLDCASE“
Said Scarborough: “I know you meant to be extraordinarily cruel to me by attacking me, by bringing up a conspiracy theory that has lived in the gutters of the internet for some time now. But just like the Seth Rich conspiracy murder that was pushed by your allies, you don't understand the pain you cause to families who have already lost a loved one.”
“This weekend, my god, you were supposed to have a working weekend,” Scarborough continued. “You got it wrong again. You said 50,000 deaths, 60,000 deaths, now you said 100,000 deaths. What did you do during your working weekend? Well, you tweeted more hateful things about colleagues of ours, you tweeted conspiracy theories about Jeffrey Epstein. Really, you have time for this? You tweeted conspiracy theories about Barack Obama. Really, you have time for this? You attacked George W. Bush for simply sending out a unifying message to give Americans hope. He said positive things about Americans, he said positive things about health care workers, he said positive things about this country. He said, ‘We choose to rise' — even that offended you.”
Added Scarborough: “I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a man who was offended by a former president, calling all Americans of all parties together in this time of crisis, would be offended by that. Because after all, you're the same president of the United States who celebrated the return of a murderous dictator, Kim Jong-un. Mr. President, I ask that you get checked out.”
“You were right when you said we are a country at war,” Scarborough acknowledged. “But we are losing that war.”
“Mr. President, you're getting worse every day,” Scarborough concluded. “You need to take a rest. You need to let Mike Pence actually run things for the next couple of weeks. And come back when you're feeling a little better and when you can really actually focus on your job. You just can't do that right now. And Americans are dying every day because of it.”