Former FOX News anchor and NBC News host Megyn Kelly, who didn't know blackface was wrong until October 2018, when she was canned from NBC for defending it as a Halloween costume and once asserted that Jesus and Santa are white, had a meltdown on Twitter Wednesday morning after reading that HBO Max had removed Gone With The Wind from its platform because it romanticizes the horrors of slavery.
“Are we going to pull all of the movies in which women are treated as sex objects too? Guess how many films we'll have left? Where does this end??” Kelly tweeted.
She then bemoaned the fact that COPS was canceled and Live PD reevaluated in the wake of George Floyd's murder by a Minneapolis police officer: “If you don't like it, don't watch.”
She continued: “Ok @hbomax – let's do this – every episode of ‘Friends' needs to go right now. If not, you hate women (& LGBTQ ppl,
who also don't fare well on ‘Friends'). Obviously Game of Thrones has to go right now. Anything by John Hughes … Woody Allen… could go on & on… & on…& on…”
After several other sarcastic tweets about other shows that should go, Kelly said, “For the record, you can loathe bad cops, racism, sexism, bias against the LGBTQ community, and not censor historical movies, books, music and art that don't portray those groups perfectly. Ppl understand art reflects life… as we evolve, so do our cultural touchstones.”