A man wearing a “Running the World Since 1776′ t-shirt was captured on video flipping out at Costco in Fort Myers, Florida after an elderly woman asked him to wear a mask. The incident is said to have taken place on June 27, but has recently gone viral.
“You're harassing me. I feel threatened,” the man screamed, presumably spraying spittle everywhere and advancing toward another man who had reportedly come to defend the elderlywoman. “Back off! Threaten me again. Back the f**k up put your f**king phone down.”
One of the customers targeted by the man reportedly said Costco handled the incident well: “To give Costco the credit, they escorted him out and made me wait inside and monitored him until he left and then they send someone with me to the car to make sure I'm okay.”
Boing Boing adds: “Posters on social media speculated that the man yelling ‘I feel threatened!', despite being the aggressor, is an attempt to pre-emtively invoke Florida's “stand your ground” law. This law allows the use of deadly force if one is threatened or attacked in public and imposes no duty to retreat. “